Charlie Wade Story: Chapter list


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only latest chapters available everyday to read. and the next day the chapter will be deleted... so read as soon as updated...

Our old blog is closed so it will take some days to update all the old contents to this blog... sorry for the inconvenience caused...till then use blog archives to find the old chapters...

Dear friends I trying hard to avoid errors in the story hence it will take time to translate and read and edit line by line...

Chapters 1- 100

Chapter 0001    Chapter 0002    Chapter 0003   Chapter 0004    Chapter 0005

Chapter 0006    Chapter 0007    Chapter 0008    Chapter 0009    Chapter 0010

Chapter 0011    Chapter 0012    Chapter 0013   Chapter 0014    Chapter 0015

Chapter 0016    Chapter 0017    Chapter 0018    Chapter 0019    Chapter 0020

Chapter 0021    Chapter 0022    Chapter 0023   Chapter 0024    Chapter 0025

Chapter 0026    Chapter 0027    Chapter 0028    Chapter 0029    Chapter 0030

Chapter 0031    Chapter 0032    Chapter 0033   Chapter 0034    Chapter 0035

Chapter 0036    Chapter 0037    Chapter 0038    Chapter 0039    Chapter 0040

Chapter 0041    Chapter 0042    Chapter 0043   Chapter 0044    Chapter 0045

Chapter 0046    Chapter 0047    Chapter 0048    Chapter 0049    Chapter 0050

Chapter 0051    Chapter 0052    Chapter 0053   Chapter 0054    Chapter 0055

Chapter 0056    Chapter 0057    Chapter 0058    Chapter 0059    Chapter 0060

Chapter 0061    Chapter 0062    Chapter 0063   Chapter 0064    Chapter 0065

Chapter 0066    Chapter 0067    Chapter 0068    Chapter 0069    Chapter 0070

Chapter 0071    Chapter 0072    Chapter 0073   Chapter 0074    Chapter 0075

Chapter 0076    Chapter 0077    Chapter 0078    Chapter 0079    Chapter 0080

Chapter 0081    Chapter 0082    Chapter 0083   Chapter 0084    Chapter 0085

Chapter 0086    Chapter 0087    Chapter 0088    Chapter 0089    Chapter 0090

Chapter 0091    Chapter 0092    Chapter 0093   Chapter 0094    Chapter 0095

Chapter 0096    Chapter 0097    Chapter 0098    Chapter 0099    Chapter 0100

Chapter 101 - 200

Chapter 0101    Chapter 0102    Chapter 0103   Chapter 0104    Chapter 0105

Chapter 0106    Chapter 0107    Chapter 0108    Chapter 0109    Chapter 0110

Chapter 0111    Chapter 0112    Chapter 0113    Chapter 0114    Chapter 0115

Chapter 0116    Chapter 0117    Chapter 0118    Chapter 0119    Chapter 0120

Chapter 0121    Chapter 0122    Chapter 0123   Chapter 0124    Chapter 0125

Chapter 0126    Chapter 0127    Chapter 0128    Chapter 0129    Chapter 0130

Chapter 0131    Chapter 0132    Chapter 0133   Chapter 0134    Chapter 0135

Chapter 0136    Chapter 0137    Chapter 0138    Chapter 0139    Chapter 0140

Chapter 0141    Chapter 0142    Chapter 0143   Chapter 0144    Chapter 0145

Chapter 0146    Chapter 0147    Chapter 0148    Chapter 0149    Chapter 0150

Chapter 0151    Chapter 0152    Chapter 0153   Chapter 0154    Chapter 0155

Chapter 0156    Chapter 0157    Chapter 0158    Chapter 0159    Chapter 0160

Chapter 0161    Chapter 0162    Chapter 0163   Chapter 0164    Chapter 0165

Chapter 0166    Chapter 0167    Chapter 0168    Chapter 0169    Chapter 0170

Chapter 0171    Chapter 0172    Chapter 0173   Chapter 0174    Chapter 0175

Chapter 0176    Chapter 0177    Chapter 0178    Chapter 0179    Chapter 0180

Chapter 0181    Chapter 0182    Chapter 0183   Chapter 0184    Chapter 0185

Chapter 0186    Chapter 0187    Chapter 0188    Chapter 0189    Chapter 0190

Chapter 0191    Chapter 0192    Chapter 0193   Chapter 0194    Chapter 0195

Chapter 0196    Chapter 0197    Chapter 0198    Chapter 0199    Chapter 0200

Charlie wade full story update 

Chapter 201 - 300

Chapter 0201   Chapter 0202   Chapter 0203   Chapter 204   Chapter 205

Chapter 0206   Chapter 0207   Chapter 0208   Chapter 209   Chapter 2010

Chapter 0211   Chapter 0212   Chapter 0213   Chapter 214   Chapter 0215

Chapter 0216   Chapter 0217   Chapter 0218   Chapter 0219   Chapter 0220

Chapter 0221     Chapter 0222   Chapter 0223   Chapter 224    Chapter 225

Chapter 0226   Chapter 0227   Chapter 0228   Chapter 229   Chapter 230

Chapter 0231   Chapter 0232   Chapter 0233   Chapter 234   Chapter 235

Chapter 0236   Chapter 0237   Chapter 0238   Chapter 239   Chapter 240

Chapter 0241   Chapter 0242   Chapter 0243   Chapter 244   Chapter 245

Chapter 0246   Chapter 0247   Chapter 0248   Chapter 249   Chapter 250

Chapter 0251   Chapter 0252   Chapter 0253   Chapter 254   Chapter 255

Chapter 0256   Chapter 0257   Chapter 0258   Chapter 259   Chapter 260

Chapter 0261   Chapter 0262   Chapter 0263   Chapter 264   Chapter 265

Chapter 0266   Chapter 0267   Chapter 0268   Chapter 269   Chapter 270

Chapter 0271   Chapter 0272   Chapter 0273   Chapter 0274   Chapter 0275

Chapter 0276   Chapter 0277   Chapter 0278   Chapter 0279   Chapter 0280

Chapter 0281    Chapter 0282   Chapter 0283   Chapter 0284   Chapter 0285

Chapter 0286    Chapter 0287   Chapter 0288    Chapter 0289   Chapter 0290

Chapter 0291    Chapter 0292    Chapter 0293   Chapter 0294    Chapter 0295

Chapter 0296    Chapter 0297    Chapter 0298    Chapter 0299    Chapter 0300


Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 301 to 400

Chapter 0301    Chapter 0302    Chapter 0303   Chapter 0304   Chapter 0305

Chapter 0306    Chapter 0307   Chapter 0308    Chapter 0309    Chapter 0310

Chapter 0311     Chapter 312    Chapter 0313    Chapter 0314    Chapter 0315

Chapter 0316    Chapter 0317   Chapter 0318    Chapter 0319    Chapter 0320

Chapter 0321     Chapter 0322    Chapter 0323    Chapter 0324    Chapter 0325

Chapter 0326    Chapter 0327   Chapter 0328    Chapter 0329    Chapter 0330

Chapter 0331     Chapter 0332    Chapter 0333    Chapter 0334    Chapter 0335

Chapter 0336    Chapter 0337   Chapter 0338    Chapter 0339    Chapter 0340

Chapter 0341     Chapter 0342    Chapter 0343    Chapter 0344    Chapter 0345

Chapter 0346    Chapter 0347   Chapter 0348    Chapter 0349    Chapter 0350

Chapter 0351     Chapter 0352    Chapter 0353    Chapter 0354    Chapter 0355

Chapter 0356    Chapter 0357   Chapter 0358    Chapter 0359    Chapter 0360

Chapter 0361   Chapter 0362   Chapter 0363   Chapter 0364   Chapter 0365

Chapter 0366   Chapter 0367   Chapter 0368   Chapter 0369   Chapter 0370

Chapter 0371   Chapter 0372   Chapter 0373   Chapter 0374   Chapter 0375

Chapter 0376   Chapter 0377   Chapter 0378   Chapter 0379   Chapter 0380

Chapter 0381   Chapter 0382    Chapter 0383   Chapter 0384   Chapter 0385

Chapter 0386   Chapter 0387   Chapter 0388   Chapter 0389   Chapter 0390

Chapter 0391   Chapter 0392    Chapter 0393   Chapter 0394   Chapter 0395

Chapter 0396   Chapter 0397   Chapter 0398   Chapter 0399   Chapter 0400

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 401 to 500

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 501 to 600

Chapter 0556    Chapter 0557   Chapter 0558    Chapter 0559    Chapter 0560

Chapter 0561   Chapter 0562   Chapter 0563   Chapter 0564   Chapter 0565

Chapter 0566   Chapter 0567   Chapter 0568   Chapter 0569   Chapter 0570

Chapter 0571   Chapter 0572   Chapter 0573   Chapter 0574   Chapter 0575

Chapter 0576   Chapter 0577   Chapter 0578   Chapter 0579   Chapter 0580

Chapter 0581   Chapter 0582    Chapter 0583   Chapter 0584   Chapter 0585

Chapter 0586   Chapter 0587   Chapter 0588   Chapter 0589   Chapter 0590

Chapter 0591   Chapter 0592    Chapter 0593   Chapter 0594   Chapter 0595

Chapter 0596   Chapter 0597   Chapter 0598   Chapter 0599   Chapter 0600

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 601 to 700

Chapter 0601    Chapter 0602    Chapter 0603   Chapter 0604   Chapter 0605

Chapter 0606    Chapter 0607   Chapter 0608    Chapter 0609    Chapter 0610

Chapter 0611     Chapter 0612    Chapter 0613    Chapter 0614    Chapter 0615

Chapter 0616    Chapter 0617   Chapter 0618    Chapter 0619    Chapter 0620

Chapter 0621     Chapter 0622    Chapter 0623    Chapter 0624    Chapter 0625

Chapter 0626    Chapter 0627   Chapter 0628    Chapter 0629    Chapter 0630

Chapter 0631     Chapter 0632    Chapter 0633    Chapter 0634    Chapter 0635

Chapter 0636    Chapter 0637   Chapter 0638    Chapter 0639    Chapter 0640

Chapter 0641     Chapter 0642    Chapter 0643    Chapter 0644    Chapter 0645

Chapter 0646    Chapter 0647   Chapter 0648    Chapter 0649    Chapter 0650

Chapter 0651     Chapter 0652    Chapter 0653    Chapter 0654    Chapter 0655

Chapter 0656    Chapter 0657   Chapter 0658    Chapter 0659    Chapter 0660

Chapter 0661   Chapter 0662   Chapter 0663   Chapter 0664   Chapter 0665

Chapter 0666   Chapter 0667   Chapter 0668   Chapter 0669   Chapter 0670

Chapter 0671   Chapter 0672   Chapter 0673   Chapter 0674   Chapter 0675

Chapter 0676   Chapter 0677   Chapter 0678   Chapter 0679   Chapter 0680

Chapter 0681   Chapter 0682    Chapter 0683   Chapter 0684   Chapter 0685

Chapter 0686   Chapter 0687   Chapter 0688   Chapter 0689   Chapter 0690

Chapter 0691   Chapter 0692    Chapter 0693   Chapter 0694   Chapter 0695

Chapter 0696   Chapter 0697   Chapter 0698   Chapter 0699   Chapter 0700

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 2000 to 2100

Chapter 2000 - Impressive 

Chapter 2001   Chapter 2002   Chapter 2003   Chapter 2004   Chapter 2005

Chapter 2006   Chapter 2007   Chapter 2008   Chapter 2009   Chapter 2010    

Chapter 2011   Chapter 2012    Chapter 2013   Chapter 2014   Chapter 2015 

Chapter 2016   Chapter 2017   Chapter 2018    Chapter 2019    Chapter 2020 

Chapter 2021   Chapter 2022   Chapter 2023    Chapter 2024   Chapter 2025 

 Chapter 2026   Chapter 2027   Chapter 2028   Chapter 2029   Chapter 2030

Chapter 2031   Chapter 2032    Chapter 2033   Chapter 2034   Chapter 2035 

 Chapter 2036   Chapter 2037   Chapter 2038   Chapter 2039   Chapter 2040

 Chapter 2041   Chapter 2042   Chapter 2043   Chapter 2044   Chapter 2045

Chapter 2046   Chapter 2047   Chapter 2048   Chapter 2049   Chapter 2050

 Chapter 2051  Chapter 2022   Chapter 2053   Chapter 2054   Chapter 2055

Chapter 2056   Chapter 2057   Chapter 2058   Chapter 2059   Chapter 2060

 Chapter 2061  Chapter 2062   Chapter 2063   Chapter 2064   Chapter 2065

Chapter 2066   Chapter 2067   Chapter 2068   Chapter 2069   Chapter 2070

Chapter 2071   Chapter 2072   Chapter 2073   Chapter 2074   Chapter 2075

Chapter 2076   Chapter 2077   Chapter 2078   Chapter 2079   Chapter 2080

 Chapter 2081   Chapter 2082   Chapter 2083   Chapter 2084   Chapter 2085

Chapter 2086   Chapter 2087   Chapter 2088   Chapter 2089   Chapter 2090

Chapter 2091   Chapter 2092   Chapter 2093   Chapter 2094   Chapter 2095

Chapter 2096   Chapter 2097   Chapter 2098   Chapter 2099   Chapter 2100

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 2101 to 2200

Chapter 2101   Chapter 2102   Chapter 2103   Chapter 2104   Chapter 2105

Chapter 2106   Chapter 2107   Chapter 2108   Chapter 2109   Chapter 2110

Chapter 2111   Chapter 2112   Chapter 2113   Chapter 2114   Chapter 2115

Chapter 2116   Chapter 2117   Chapter 2118   Chapter 2119   Chapter 2120

Chapter 2121   Chapter 2122   Chapter 2123   Chapter 2124   Chapter 2125

Chapter 2126   Chapter 2127   Chapter 2128   Chapter 2129   Chapter 2130

Chapter 2131   Chapter 2132   Chapter 2133   Chapter 2134   Chapter 2135

Chapter 2136   Chapter 2137   Chapter 2138   Chapter 2139   Chapter 2140

Chapter 2141   Chapter 2142   Chapter 2143   Chapter 2144   Chapter 2145

Chapter 2146   Chapter 2147   Chapter 2148   Chapter 2149   Chapter 2150

Chapter 2151   Chapter 2152   Chapter 2153   Chapter 2154   Chapter 2155

Chapter 2156   Chapter 2157   Chapter 2158   Chapter 2159   Chapter 2160

Chapter 2161   Chapter 2162   Chapter 2163   Chapter 2164   Chapter 2165

Chapter 2166   Chapter 2167   Chapter 2168   Chapter 2169   Chapter 2170

Chapter 2171   Chapter 2172   Chapter 2173   Chapter 2174   Chapter 2175

Chapter 2176   Chapter 2177   Chapter 2178   Chapter 2179   Chapter 2180

Chapter 2181   Chapter 2182   Chapter 2183   Chapter 2184   Chapter 2185

Chapter 2186   Chapter 2187   Chapter 2188   Chapter 2189   Chapter 2190

Chapter 2191   Chapter 2192   Chapter 2193   Chapter 2194   Chapter 2195  

Chapter 2196   Chapter 2197   Chapter 2198   Chapter 2199   Chapter 2200

Charlie Wade story Latest Chapters 2201 to 2300

Chapter 2201   Chapter 2202   Chapter 2203   Chapter 2204   Chapter 2205     

Chapter 2206   Chapter 2207   Chapter 2208   Chapter 2209   Chapter 2210   

Chapter 2211   Chapter 2212   Chapter 2213   Chapter 2214   Chapter 2215   

Chapter 2216   Chapter 2217   Chapter 2218   Chapter 2219   Chapter 2220   

Chapter 2221   Chapter 2222   Chapter 2223   Chapter 2224   Chapter 2225   

Chapter 2226   Chapter 2227   Chapter 2228   Chapter 2229   Chapter 2230

Chapter 2231   Chapter 2232   Chapter 2233   Chapter 2234   Chapter 2235   

Chapter 2236   Chapter 2237   Chapter 2238   Chapter 2239   Chapter 2240   

Chapter 2241   Chapter 2242   Chapter 2243   Chapter 2244   Chapter 2245   

Chapter 2246   Chapter 2247   Chapter 2248   Chapter 2249   Chapter 2250   

Chapter 2251   Chapter 2252   Charlie 2253    Chapter 2254   Chapter 2255   

Chapter 2256   Chapter 2257   Chapter 2258    Chapter 2259   Chapter 2260

Chapter 2261   Chapter 2262   Chapter 2263   Chapter 2264   Chapter 2265   

Chapter  2266   Chapter 2267   Chapter 2268   Chapter 2269   Chapter 2270   

Chapter 2271   Chapter 2272   Chapter 2273   Chapter 2274   Chapter 2275   

Charlie 2276   Charlie 2277    Chapter 2278   Chapter 2279   Chapter 2280   

Chapter 2281   Chapter 2282   Chapter 2283   Chapter 2284    Chapter 2285    

Chapter 2286    Chapter 2287     Chapter 2288    Chapter 2289    Chapter 2290

Chapter 2291   Chapter 2292    Chapter 2293    Chapter 2294   Chapter 2295   

Chapter 2296    Chapter 2297    Chapter 2298    Chapter 2299    Chapter 2300   

Chapter 2301 - 2400

Chapter 2301   Chapter 2302   Chapter 2303   Chapter 2304   Chapter 2305

Chapter 2306   Chapter 2307   Chapter 2308   Chapter 2309   Chapter 2310

Chapter 2311   Chapter 2312   Chapter 2313   Chapter 2314   Chapter 2315

Chapter 2316   Chapter 2317   Chapter 2318   Chapter 2319   Chapter 2320

Chapter 2321   Chapter 2322   Chapter 2323   Chapter 2324   Chapter 2325

Chapter 2326   Chapter 2327   Chapter 2328   Chapter 2329   Chapter 2330

Chapter 2331   Chapter 2332   Chapter 2333   Chapter 2334   Chapter 2335

Chapter 2336   Chapter 2337   Chapter 2338   Chapter 2339   Chapter 2340

Chapter 2341   Chapter 2342   Chapter 2343   Chapter 2344   Chapter 2345

Chapter 2346   Chapter 2347   Chapter 2348   Chapter 2349   Chapter 2350

Chapter 2351   Chapter 2352   Chapter 2353   Chapter 2354   Chapter 2355

Chapter 2356   Chapter 2357   Chapter 2358   Chapter 2359   Chapter 2360

Chapter 2361   Chapter 2362   Chapter 2363   Chapter 2364   Chapter 2365

Chapter 2366   Chapter 2367   Chapter 2368   Chapter 2369   Chapter 2370

Chapter 2371   Chapter 2372   Chapter 2373   Chapter 2374   Chapter 2375

Chapter 2376   Chapter 2377   Chapter 2378   Chapter 2379   Chapter 2380

Chapter 2381   Chapter 2382   Chapter 2383   Chapter 2384   Chapter 2385

Chapter 2386   Chapter 2387   Chapter 2388   Chapter 2389   Chapter 2390

Chapter 2391   Chapter 2392   Chapter 2393   Chapter 2394   Chapter 2395

Chapter 2396   Chapter 2397   Chapter 2398   Chapter 2399   Chapter 2400

Chapter 2401 - 2500

Charlie Wade Chapter 2501 to 2600

Chapter 2601 to 2700

Chapter 2701 to 2800

Due to some issues from Google we are posting new chapters in the following blog ... read latest chapters here...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chapter 414 to 1999?

  3. Pls. open at least 15 chapters a day please? chapter 414 onwards

  4. Plss update chapters fast so we can enjoy reading

  5. Chapter 434 onwards

  6. There is error while opening chapter 434 to 500 please give

  7. Chapters 437 and after pls

  8. What happened to chapters 445 through 2000?

  9. I appreciate all the time and work you put into this for everyone to be able to read This story. I don’t understand why there is such a big gap with missing chapters like from 445 through 2000.

    1. because earlier page was blocked... hence posting in new blog, so it will take time post everything

    2. Thank You for all your efforts put into this blog page , Love the Story

  10. New chapters are published faster than the old chapters. I have seen an earlier comment as well where one of the readers have requested to publish more older chapters. Please publish the chapters from 480 - 1999 soon. Delay in publishing which actually reduce the interest in the story.

    1. Your in the minority I'm afraid. Most of us started reading it elsewhere and were dam near robbed of fees. That's why most of us are so far along. Telling the kind blogger that TWO of you are reduced interest sounds like a personal problem and is rather rude to this kind blogger who works so hard at this for no or little pay. This blogger shouldn't have to cater to you and that ONE other person. There is many of us loyal readers here daily so nobody is losing interest buy you who sounds selfish.

  11. I read all the way to 5258 and now there are no more chapters ,does anyone know if they are going to put more or not,this just isn't the way to end

    1. 5258 is actually 2504 so you can start reading from chapter 2505

    2. What about 5290?

  12. any update after 2581 please ?

  13. I'm so sure this book didn't just end at chapter 2581

    1. There are new chapters published daily as the book is still a work in progress being written and updated as a serialization type novel.

      You can check back daily or as I like to do weekly so I can have a nice chunk to read at once.

    2. some updates are not having any content. why? where can we access them??

    3. those are deleted due to some legal issues by google

  14. Each chapter is very interesting thanks

  15. Until yesterday, all the chapters till 550 were accessible. But since this morning, when I try opening pages from 400 - 558, I get the message

    Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog, does not exist.

    1. This issue is found Chapter 243 onwards...

  16. where can i find chapter 4401? are they sorted in ascending order from there?

  17. Please chapter 3000 can’t get it

  18. Why are certain updates missing content like 2598, 2597,etc.,??

    1. those are deleted due to some legal issues by google... all chapters will remain for one day only

    2. Ouch! You put so much work into translation only to last one day. I would go buy chapters as they come out but there is nowhere I can find that would be a way to do so. Your blog is only place I can find latest chapters

  19. Curious to know the reason behind random chapters being deleted from the site. Is it because of any copyrights issue or any other issue because of which the old site was taken down?

    1. yes, those are deleted due to some legal issues by google

  20. i am reading around 2070 and suddenly all updates are gone...please restore them kindly or give us private access instead of getting deleted all together...

  21. if these updates are deleted to continue reading i am in between all are deleted... do you have any private account to follow?

    1. will make some alternate arrangements soon...

    2. Did you manage to catch up

    3. available in facebook all chapters

  22. Why in the WORLD is this happening NOW 💯

  23. Nice n loooooooonggggg story........


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